Deskripsi Singkat | Jual Weather Station Misol WS2320-Conect To Wifi Upload Data
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Product Features:
1. Measures: Wind speed, wind direction, rain, temperature (outdoor & indoor), humidity (outdoor & indoor), pressure, UV, illuminance, heat index.
2. Transmits data from the outdoor sensor array to the receiver wirelessly(433Mhz)
3. The receiver(display) can connect to Wi-Fi(support 2.4Ghz Wi-Fi), and the data can be uploaded to the websites wundergound,, wow.metoffice
4. The computer connecting to the same Wi-Fi(support 2.4Ghz Wi-Fi), it can view the current information from the device, and export the history data into computer(format:csv)
1) Free PC software to view the weather data, after PC connecting to the same Wi-Fi(support 2.4Ghz Wi-Fi)
(remark: software language: Deutsch, English, French, Spanish etc)
2) History Record interval is: 1-240minutes(adjustable). The receiver can log 3552 records in total.
3) Time and date, Sunrise and Sunset time, Moon phase.
4) Indoor/outdoor temperature and humidity & Wind chill & wind direction & Rainfall & Pressure measure,
5) Display rain rate, rainfall data in 24 hours, one week, one month, one year, total rain and rainfall event.
6) Wind speed in mph, km/h, m/s, knots or Beaufort.
7) The direction of the wind with 360 degree.
8) Wind chill, dew point and heat index temperature display.
9) Barometric, weather forecast.
10) MAX, MIN with a time stamp.
11) High alarm and low alarm.
12) Light and UV index.
13) Save the data when batteries is changed
14) High light LED backlight
Display information
2.Indoor Temperature
3.Indoor Humidity
4.Barometric Pressure
5.Barometric Pressure graph
6.Weather Forecast icon
7.information display area
8RF signal
9.Alarm icon
10.Memory status
11.Wind direction
12.Rain fall
13.Wind speed/Gust speed
14.Wind chill/Dew point/Heat index
15.Outdoor Humidity
16.Outdoor Temperature
17.UV index
20.Wifi Signal icon
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